Custom Domain Setup

Hosting webinars on your own domain couldn't be easier. Once your domain is setup with streamGo we can host your events on your own subdomain harnessing the power of the streamGo platform.

Choose your subdomain

You can use any subdomain of your main domain. For example, or The final URL of each webinar will be

Ask your IT team to setup the domain

We can’t access your domain without the help of your IT team. Please ask your IT team to add a CNAME record for your chosen subdomain pointing to [yourdomain]

For example, if your domain is the CNAME will point towards

If you’re using a custom domain for your event, it is necessary to have an SSL certificate installed. This improves security and provides a better experience for your attendees.. There are two options for this;

Option 1: Supply us with your certificate files

We will need the certificate files for your custom domains SSL so that we can install it on our servers. Your IT team should be able to help you with this.

This should be 3 parts supplied in PEM format, a minimum of 2048-bit RSA is required;

  • Certificate
  • Private key
  • Intermediate Certificate

Once you have these, send them to your streamGo contact and we will take care of the rest.

Option 2: We’ll create the SSL for you

If you do not already have a SSL certificate for your custom domain, we can create one for you. Just let your streamGo contact know and we will supply you with a CNAME record to assign to your custom domain.

Once we send you the CNAME records, please ask your IT team to add it to your custom domain DNS records and we will take care of the rest. The records must be updated within 48 hours.

Call your streamGo contact

Your event producer will test and enter the domain on our system and then you’re good to go and can host events using your own domain.

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