How To Upload a List of Registrants

This is a quick step by step guide to upload a list of registrants. With online events at streamGo, you can choose whether attendees need to register for your event to access your content. If you choose to make your event only available to those who register, then this article relates to you. Registering for an event allows you to collect information about your attendees, send reminder emails to them and also means you can further protect your event with specific access to certain email/IP address, as covered in this help article.

You may have collected registrant information via an alternative method than the streamGo registration page. By uploading them to the streamGo platform they will receive the same confirmation (if you want them to) and reminder emails as anyone who would sign up via a streamGo page/form. 

Article Contents:

Video walkthrough

Step by step guide

Login to the streamGo platform by heading to using the details provided by your Project Manager
Click on 'Projects' in the top navigation bar to view all your projects. Select the project you would like to edit by clicking on its name or the pencil icon
Once you have selected the project, click on 'Registrants' (under the People group) in the menu on the left hand side. 

Click the 'Import Registrants' button in the top right. This will open a popup, from this you can choose to download a template CSV file to add your data to before uploading the list. We recommend you use this template as it includes the formatting required for the platform to correctly identify and store your registrant details


Once you have your CSV file ready with your registrant data, click the area that reads "Drag or choose a spreadsheet file" and select your CSV file to upload or drag and drop the file into the box. At this point you can choose whether you would like your list of registrants to receive a confirmation of their registration via email. You can also choose to update existing users. This means any existing data that matches with your CSV file will simply be updated rather than duplicated


Once finished, click the "Upload Registrants" button. Once your file has uploaded successfully, you will see a green text notification confirming this

Setting a Ticket Type on upload

Note: Follow the instructions above up to point five.
If Ticket Type is enable you will have a column labelled Ticket-Type in the downloaded CSV. If this isn't present you may need to enable Ticket Types by following the instructions here
When populating the data you must use the Ticket Types ID not the name. This information can be found in the Ticket Type menu
Once you have your CSV file ready with your registrant data, click the area that reads "Drag or choose a spreadsheet file" and select your CSV file to upload or drag and drop the file into the box. At this point you can choose whether you would like your list of registrants to receive a confirmation of their registration via email. You can also choose to update existing users. This means any existing data that matches with your CSV file will simply be updated rather than duplicated

Once finished, click the "Upload Registrants" button. Once your file has uploaded successfully, you will see a green text notification confirming this, and you will see the Ticket Type listed against your registrants,

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