Replay events allow you to play pre-recorded webinars at a scheduled time

By using the Replay webinar type you can take the stress out of live events by playing your fully pre-recorded content at a scheduled time. Replay events are also a great opportunity to easily include captions on your event using the toggle in the uploader along with the chance to use our AI powered automatic FAQ tool to help create a summary topics covered in your webinar.

Note: If you would like to use a mix of pre-recorded and live content in your event then check out the article on playlists here

How to prepare a replay event:


When editing your event in the dashboard use the radio buttons at the top of the General options to select Replay as your stream type

Set your event start times as with any other event - this setting will dictate the time at which your replay event will automatically begin playing on the event page as if live. Once your replay content has been played out at this time the event will automatically become an on-demand event for attendees.

Navigate to the Streams settings using the menu on the left


Select the upload radio button and use the uploader to drag and drop or browse and select the video file you would like to play for your event. Use the Create Captions toggle to determine if you would like the platform to create closed captions for your content to be available in the video player on the event page.

Once your video file has finished uploading you will see the message that your video is currently processing. At this point you can leave this page and you will receive a notification in the area to the top right of the dashboard when your video has finished processing and is ready to view. The time taken to process depends on the file size you have uploaded however it is best practice to upload your content well in advance of your planned playback time to ensure processing is complete in time.

Once your video has finished processing you are able to bypass the countdown on the event page and preview your content by using the unique test link which can be found in the system links area of the event.
Your content is now all set to automatically play at the event start time! 
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