Firewall Whitelisting Information & Connection Advice for Attendees

The streamGo event websites are compatible with most modern web browsers. If you are having trouble connecting or watching content please refer your IT team to the whitelisting information here:

Domains to whitelist

Please also ensure that the use of websockets is allowed and to ensure that TCP ports 80 and 443 are unrestricted.

For breakouts / roundtables please see this article for additional requirements.

Additional Notes:

  • Javascript must be running and functional
  • 3rd party browser extensions may cause unexpected behaviour and are not supported.
  • Certain VPNs can interfere with network communications, if you're experiencing issues please disable it

Installing Chrome

We recommend using Chrome as your browser. To download it on your laptop or desktop computer visit:

If you Android mobile device does not already have the Chrome browser installed, you can download it from the Google Play store here.

You can find additional information related to supported browsers in our article on browser compatibility

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