Event Page Assets

We're Raring To Go! 

Here's a list of what we need to make a start building your event registration page

Event Title

As you would like it to appear on all pages and emails.

Event Date

As you would like it to appear on all pages and emails. Include any timezones you would like mentioned.


Brand and Sponsor logo. Please also include any links that should be attached to these logos. If the logos have any specific usage guidelines please make us aware. Please provide these with a minimum width of 500px and use transparent PNGs, so they don't have a white background.

Recommended File Types for Images

Either JPG/JPEG or PNG (not .tiff or .ai if possible).

Brand Colours

Please provide hex codes for the colours you'd like us to apply to your pages.

Header Image

This needs to have a minimum width of 2,500px to accommodate users with large screens. The height depends on how tall you would like the banner, but at least 600px is recommended.

Video Images or Carousel Thumbnails 

These should be sized exactly at 1280px wide by 720px high.

Required Fields

First Name, Last Name and Email are default. Additional fields can be Text, Radio button, Checkbox List or Drop Down List.

Event Description

This will be the main and most interesting bit of copy about your event, make it as enticing as possible.

Presenter Info

Name, title, pictures and biographies. Please provide square presenter photos with minimum dimensions of 300px x 300px. You can use this handy site to size them correctly - we recommend a file name structure of 'Firstname-Surname.jpg'

Contact Email Address

This is used as a contact for further information and also will be the address from which confirmation and reminder emails are sent.

Resources For Download

Downloadable PDFs for example. These will be available to the right of the player window for attendees.

Custom Font Files

Our platform can support custom fonts, if we are provided with the appropriate font files.

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