One Click Registration
Skip the form
Did you know with streamGo you don’t even need to send people to a form to register for your event?
From your email invite, your target audience can sign up with just one click, and we’ll send them all the confirmation details right away.
This will make the sign up process much easier, and you'll also increase registrations for your event.
Please note that to use this feature you must toggle on Auto Registration in your project settings under the details tab.
What is it?
Users can register in a single click in their email invite. It can also be used to pre-populate known data in a registration form, leaving only unknown or new fields left to complete.
Why is it good?
It removes a big source of friction from the sign-up process. You should see an increase in registrations by using this.
Who’d love it?
Everyone looking to boost registration numbers and email their current data with invites.
How does it work?
Using the personalisation fields in your email system you need to use a custom URL in your email invites; think “mail merge”.
By adding the "autoreg" code below to your email invites you are able to collect sign ups from your event straight from the inbox. As long as your CRM/email marketing system has information on each contact for each registration field you require, your email recipient can bypass the form and register in just one click.
The specific URL format you will need to use can be found in the Registration Fields section of your project and are typically structured like this:
Please note that this structure of the URL replaces an old version as of 1st Feb 2021. For help with creating URL please get in touch.