Marketo Integration

All your sales, marketing and online event data in one place.

Marketo Engage is one of the leading end-to-end engagement platforms for modern demand marketing.

streamGo’s unique integration with Marketo means that your event data can be used to trigger workflows and automations without having to lift a finger.

Once the integration is setup, any registration and attendance data from your events is automatically synced from our platform direct to Marketo.

Article Contents:

Here’s what we sync to Marketo

After each registration:

  • All attendee information captured. If the person exists in Marketo the data is updated, if they do not, a new person is created.
  • Unique magic link object, which is attached to the user in Marketo and can be used in email communications for direct access to your event.

Post event reporting:

(These updates are done every night at 5am UK time).
  • A new object is added to each person with their event data; including our unique engagement score.

Setting up the integration

Marketo REST API

To make sure your event data syncs accurately, our platform needs to connect to your Marketo Accounts REST API using the credentials you will generate in the steps below.

Find your API URLs

In order for us to be able to connect to your Marketo account we will need your specific Marketo REST API url, follow the steps below to retrieve these from within your Marketo account;
Click the "Admin" button in the top navigation bar.

Click the “Web Services” link in the left-hand navigation bar. (This is nested under the “Integration” category).


You can now find your API URLS in the “REST API” box on this page. We will need the “Endpoint” and “Identity” URLs, please make a note of these.

Create an "API User" role

For us to have permission to connect to your Marketo account, we will need to have to have a role created with the correct permissions;:

Click the "Admin" button in the top navigation bar.


Click the “Users & Roles” link in the left-hand navigation bar. (This is nested under the “Security” category)


Click the “Roles” button on the ribbon navigation bar (underneath the top navigation bar)

Click "New Role"  and create a new role with the following details;

Role Name: API User

Description: streamGo API User
Permissions: Select all of the "Access API" permissions

Create an API User

Now we will need to create a new user using the above role, that we can use in the streamGo platform to connect to the REST API.

Click the "Admin" button in the top navigation bar.


Click the “Users & Roles” link in the left-hand navigation bar. (This is nested under the “Security” category)


Click the “Invite New User” button and create a new user.


You can choose how you name this user and what email you use. The only requirement here is that in Step 2 you choose the role we have created and specify that this is an API Only User.

Roles: API User
API Only: Check this box

Generate API Keys

Here we will create the API keys needed to authenticate with the Marketo REST API using the user we have just created.

Click the "Admin" button in the top navigation bar.


Click the “LaunchPoint” link in the left-hand navigation bar. (This is nested under the “Integration” category).


Click the “New” dropdown button, then “New Service”.


Create the new service with the following fields:

Display Name: streamGo
Service: Custom
Description: A service to allow streamGo to communicate with Marketo
API Only User: Select the API user you have just created


Once created, you should now be able to select "View Details" on the services row in the table and see the "Client Id" and "Client Secret" fields. Please make a note of these.

Create the “Event Attendance” object type

In order for us to be able to push attendance data to Marketo, we will need to create a new Object type. Please create a new Object type in your Marketo account with the following fields;

Display Name: Event Attendance
API Name: eventAttendance_c
Plural Name: Event Attendances

Note: If you want the attendance object to show on the “Person Details” page in Marketo, you’ll need to make sure that the “Show in Person Detail” is set to “Show”.

Now create the following fields on your new Event Attendance object;

Display Name
API Name Type Dedupe Field Notes
Lead ID leadId link Yes Link Object: “Person”
Link Field: “ID”
Attended Live attendedLive boolean
Attended On Demand attendedOnDemand boolean
Engagement Score engagementScore float
Created At createdAt datetime Created by Marketo
Project ID
projectId integer
Event ID eventId integer Yes
Event Start Time eventStartTime datetime
Event Title eventTitle string
Magic Link magicLink string
Marketo GUID marketoGUID string Created by Marketo
Registered registered datetime
Report URL reportURL string
Updated At updatedAt datetime Created by Marketo
Viewing Time viewingTime string
Active Time
activeTime string

Important: After creating the object and adding the fields to it, remember to approve the object.

Create the “Event Registration” object type

In order for us to be able to push magic links to Marketo, we will need to create a new Object type. Please create a new Object type in your Marketo account with the following fields;

Display Name: Event Registration
API Name: eventRegistration_c
Plural Name: Event Registrations

Now create the following fields on your new User Project object;

Display Name API Name Type Dedupe Field Notes
Lead ID leadId link Yes Link Object: “Person”
Link Field: “ID”
Created At createdAt datetime
Created by Marketo
Project ID projectId integer Yes
Project Title projectTitle string

Magic Link magicLink string

Marketo GUID marketoGUID string
Created by Marketo
Updated At updatedAt datetime
Created by Marketo

Important: After creating the object and adding the fields to it, remember to approve the object.

What will streamGo do next?

We’ll add your API credentials to the streamGo system

  • We will update your streamGo account to link to your Marketo Engage account using the API credentials that you provide to us;

    Client ID
    Client Secret

    This will enable the Marketo integration and new data will start to sync into your Marketo account from streamGo.

Test, test, test!

  • We’re big advocates of testing at streamGo so, during our event testing, we’ll be in touch to ask you to check the Marketo integration is creating data in your Marketo account as expected.
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