Advice for attendees
This article provides advice that should be provided to your attendees ahead of a CPD event. You may also want to include this advice across your event pages to aid attendees.
The CPD process for attendees
- Attendees watch a session.
- Attendees answer any polls required.
- Attendees check their progress on the tracker page (projecturl/certificate)
- This page shows all current sessions that have CPD enabled and the progress on polls and viewing.
- Once at least one session is passed, the view certificate button displays for the attendee allowing the attendee to access a PDF certificate.
Advice for Attendees
- Attendees should use Google Chrome to engage with the event.
- Javascript and Cookies must be enabled.
- We advise watching a small portion of the event and then checking progress on the attendee tracking page (projecturl/certificate).
- This page updates with a small delay but it will enable attendees to see how much of the content they have watched. If an attendee finds their tracking is not working then we advise:
- changing device
- changing network connection / Internet access
- ensuring they are not viewing in private or incognito mode.
- Poll questions during the live event are displayed until the presenters unpublished them, it's important to watch the session to take part in the polls as quickly as possible.